Tuesday May 20, 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM CDT
1309 N Green Street
McHenry IL 60050
**Event outside on back patio
Carrie Ozog
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Come join Mindful Roots and welcome her business to McHenry with a fun Superfood Social Mixer and Ribbon Cutting. Plant based foods to sample, live music, superfood sippy cup with team prizes of superfoods. Enjoy Superfood samples, plant-based chili bar, dips, veggies, array of plant-based snacks and desserts, alkaline water and probiotic sodas
Ribbon Cutting at 5:45PM
Mindful Roots is a Plant-based food delivery service. Delivering organic, nourishing, nutrient dense, prepped foods all over McHenry and Lake Counties. We also operate in Delta, Co with partner Eloisa McManaman.
Printed courtesy of www.mchenrychamber.com – Contact the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
1307 N. Green St., McHenry, IL 60050 – (815) 385-4300 – info@mchenrychamber.com