Date and Time
Tuesday May 20, 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM CDT
1309 N Green Street
McHenry IL 60050
**Event outside on back patio
Contact Information
Carrie Ozog
Send Email

Come join Mindful Roots and welcome her business to McHenry with a fun Superfood Social Mixer and Ribbon Cutting. Plant based foods to sample, live music, superfood sippy cup with team prizes of superfoods. Enjoy Superfood samples, plant-based chili bar, dips, veggies, array of plant-based snacks and desserts, alkaline water and probiotic sodas
Ribbon Cutting at 5:45PM
Mindful Roots is a Plant-based food delivery service. Delivering organic, nourishing, nutrient dense, prepped foods all over McHenry and Lake Counties. We also operate in Delta, Co with partner Eloisa McManaman.