Marketing Connection Group I meets the first and third Thursdays of each month at 7:30 a.m. at Green Street Cafe. Please contact or Karen Pflanz before attending.
Karen Pflanz / Larry Ericson
President STYLE HOUSE, Owner/Principal Designer - Owner/GC/Builder
Karen Pflanz has been an interior designer for over 25 years. She specializes in kitchen design, bathroom design, whole room design including furni...
Kay Reissig
Vice President Visiting Angels Living Assistance Services, Marketing Coordinator
Kay Reissig, Marketing Coordinator Kay has a passion for working with seniors and their families and brings an extensive background in Sales and Ma...
Diane Dunlap
Mary Kay Cosmetics Independent Beauty Consultant, Independent Sales Director
How I bring beauty to you As my customer, you can create your ideal beauty experience. I offer personalized service that fits you. Just tell me if...
John Jindra
Quality Tire Service, General Manager
My entire life has been spent in the automotive, truck tire and vehicle repair industry. Since the age of 10 I have been going to work with my fath...
Becky Kirchner
Becky Kirchner - RE/MAX Plaza, Realtor
Becky has been a licensed REALTOR since February 15, 1993. For 20 years she ran a successful business in Birmingham AL, listing and selling real es...
Jon Petersen
Natural Therapy Wellness Center, Licensed Massage Therapist
Jon Petersen studied at Lakeside School of Therapeutic Massage in Milwaukee and advanced anatomy and physiology studies at Saint Louis University S...
Perry Markee
S & S Repair and Restoration, Roofing Consultant
S&S Repair and Restoration is a general contractor that specializes in working with residential and commercial clients on their insurance claims.  ...
Jen Carpenter
Jen Carpenter PPLSI Small Business Solutions & Employee Benefits, LegalShield & IDShield Small Business Solutions
I am a dedicated wife, mother of two, and have been empowering lives as an Outpatient Physical Therapist Assistant since 2005. In 2020, before th...
Evan Marlatt
John Sutton State Farm
Partnering with you to create your individual protection plan! Evan started his career in the healthcare technology field and changed careers to be...
Rebekah Chisholm
Melaleuca the Wellness Co., Marketing Executive
I live in Cary with my husband James. Our daughter Sarah and family live in Phoenix, AZ and we try to visit them every chance we get. I love the fr...