Date and Time
Wednesday Aug 6, 2025
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM CDT
Boone Creek Golf Club
6912 Mason Hill Road
McHenry, IL 60050
$50 Members / $75 Non-Members
Registration for the sub list is FREE; however, if you would like to attend the mid-year party & year-end banquet, please choose the $25 option for subs.
See below for pricing charged at Boone Creek.
Contact Information
Kelsey Adams, Director of Marketing and Member Engagement
Send Email
The McHenry Area Chamber Golf League plays 9 holes every Wednesday at 4:30 pm from May 7 through September 3, 2025.
Boone Creek Golf Club, located at 6912 Mason Hill Road in McHenry, is the official home of the league. The registration fee (see above), payable at the time of registration, includes: golfer gift at our opening meeting, a chance to win weekly game prizes, end of year banquet and prize ceremony + various administrative expenses.
On top of this, payable to Boone Creek will be the weekly cart / walker fees: $15 walker / $25 cart
Choose to golf with a permanent teammate or golf each week as an individual to give you more opportunities to network. At registration, please select which you would like to do.
If you cannot commit to the entire league schedule, consider being on a sub list. It is important that if you plan to play you can commit to the dates and coming as well as arriving ON TIME.
A list of rules and all league info you need to know before week 1 will be provided to you 2 weeks before the league starts. We will also ask that you arrive 30 minutes early week 1 to go over everything in person and take a group photo.
Please note: This is an 18 week league, however, May 22nd will be a no play day due to our golf outing at the McHenry Chamber. Feel free to play at Boone Creek at the Chamber rates but no points will be collected. (Better yet, join us at the Golf Outing for a day of fun!)