Get ready, young hunters: A sea of bright pink, green, blue, yellow, orange and purple ovals soon will dot the grass at the McHenry Outdoor Theater, with a few special Easter eggs promising bonus prizes for those lucky enough to find them.

The second annual Bremer Team – Keller Williams Success Realty Easter Eggstravaganza gates open at 10 a.m., with the hunt starting promptly at 11 a.m. Saturday, April 12, at the McHenry Outdoor Theater, 1510 Chapel Hill Road, east of McHenry. For added fun, each adult in attendance will receive a raffle ticket good for a chance to select an egg containing one of several donated gift certificates.

“More than just an egg hunt, the free family fun will include a visit from the Easter Bunny as well as opportunities for young attendees to test their building skills at a Home Depot Kids’ Workshop, and the concessions will be open at the Outdoor Theater,” said Dawn Bremer, owner and president of the McHenry-based Bremer Team. “Plus, we’ve added some extra excitement for the adults this year.

“This is a ginormous, fun-filled community event designed to bring families together to create lasting memories,” she continued. “We put out 10,000 eggs last year, and we’ll do it again.”

Bremer noted the hunting grounds will be divided into categories for those 3 and younger, 4 to 7 and 8 to 10. Children should bring their own baskets. After collecting their eggs, participants will receive a candy bag put together by McHenry Villa residents.

“We’ll have some bags that contain candy and others that contain trinkets like temporary tattoos and small toys — for kids who may be allergic,” Bremer said. “Each child will receive the same amount. It’s important to us that no child feels left out.”

After the eggs have all been found, the kids will turn them in and receive their candy or goody bag.  Those who found one of the special eggs also will be identified. Rare eggs will afford their discoverers prizes like free popcorn or a night at the movies at the Outdoor — open weekends as of March 21 — or even a special gift donated by the McHenry Meijer store.  

Bremer said the first Bremer Team egg hunt last year was a terrific success, and she and her team look forward to greeting families for this year’s holiday fun.

“We love to give back,” she said. “We are committed to supporting local families, building relationships and making a positive impact in the area, and this is another way that we do that.”

McHenry Outdoor Theater owner Scott Dehn said he, too, looks forward to the spring family fun.

“All the kids love going to an Easter egg hunt, especially the ones that are run well, which this one is,” he said. “Plus, this is a little more special because of the setting it’s in. You see the big screen as the backdrop and all these kids hunting for eggs. It’s kind of unique.”
Prize donors to date for the newly added adult component include the McHenry Outdoor Theater, Worldwide Traveler, Meat & Potato Eatery, Brunch Café, D.C. Cobb’s – McHenry, Jexal’s Pizza & Wing-Zeria, Green Peapod Thai Restaurant, Foxhole Pizza and Pub and Binny’s Beverage Depot.

The Bremer Team – Keller Williams Success Realty is a real estate brokerage with offices at 1218 N. Green St., McHenry. The firm is known for charitable endeavors such as diaper drives, supporting Kids in Need of McHenry County, and its 30 Days for 30 Vets initiative, which, in conjunction with the support of numerous sponsors, is providing 30 home renovation projects free of charge to 30 U.S. military veterans.
Photos courtesy of Joe Cicero | McHenry Outdoor Theater
Written by: Cynthia Wolf Wolf Wordsmithing
scott.dawn: McHenry Outdoor Theater owner Scott Dehn and Dawn Bremer, president and owner of The Bremer Team, celebrate at the first Bremer Team Easter Egg Hunt in 2024. This year's festivities are scheduled Saturday, April 12.
DB.winner: Dawn Bremer gives a thumbs up as one of the special prize winners shows off his take during the Bremer Team Easter Egg Hunt in 2024. The second annual event is set for Saturday, April 12, at the McHenry Outdoor Theater.
egghunt: Families await the start of the 2024 Bremer Team Easter Egg Hunt. This year's festivities take place Saturday, April 12, again at the McHenry Outdoor Theater. Gates open at 10 a.m.
egghunter: A young participant prepares to choose from the colorful array of eggs during the 2024 Bremer Team Easter Egg Hunt at the McHenry Outdoor Theater. This year's hunt takes place Saturday, April 12, and for the first time will include an adult component with prizes.