Spring Break Staycation at Volo Museum
Spring Break Staycation at Volo Museum
Queen of Hearts at McHenry VFW Post #4600
Queen of Hearts is held weekly at the VFW McHenry Post #4600
MC3 Meeting
Marketing Connection Group III meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:30am at Meat & Potato Eatery-McHenry
MC IV - R.I.S.E. Marketing Connection Group
Serving the senior market, Marketing Connection IV: R.I.S.E. meets the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of each month at 8:00AM at Grand Victorian of Crystal Lake.
MC Hammer Marketing Connection Group
Marketing Connection MC Hammer meets every other Wednesday of each month at 8:00 AM (sharp) at Huntington Bank, 5555 Bull Valley Road, McHenry, IL
Exploring Cold Blooded Creatures with Cold Blooded Parties
Join Cold Blooded Parties and the McHenry Public Library as we learn about cold blooded creatures. Please only register the children attending.
Hopeful Hearts Grief Support Group at White Oaks
Hopeful Hearts is a monthly Grief Support Group and a time to promote healing, share experiences & support others as the bereavement journey is explored
Silent Book Club - McHenry Chapter
Shop 3430 hosts the Silent Book Club McHenry Chapter.
A Very "Cool" Show with Mr. Freeze!
Join McHenry Public Library in welcoming Mr. Freeze from Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory for a show with lots of surprises and some fun facts.
McHenry's Next -- Bowling at Palace Bowl
We think this event will be right up your ally! If you have some time to spare, join us for bowling at Palace Bowl! The bar is open to grab a drink and some appetizers will be available, thanks to our group! We plan to play 2 games and then after, feel free to stick around for some open networking!